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4 common misconceptions about cobots

Writer's picture: CobotKindCobotKind

It is a fundamental aspect of human nature to be wary of new technology and change. When it comes to cobots, it often surprises people to know that many myths and misconceptions about these cutting-edge robots are not true. Read on and you might just find yourself bamboozled.

Cobots steal jobs

For many years now, through books and movies alike, we have been fed the idea that the quickly expanding world of robotics means that humans will eventually be replaced by our robotic counterparts. Ever heard the phrase, “the robots are coming”? No one could be blamed for surrendering to these beliefs; however, the reality is quite on the contrary.

Implementing robots into a company can reduce the number of strenuous tasks in a worker’s day-to-day proceedings, cutting out room for error, injury or any other implications. With more hours available, workers can be redirected into more fulfilling and value adding tasks, which in turn can lead to a more productive and rewarding working environment.

man stands by universal robots cobot

Cobots are dangerous

All new technology comes with its inherent risks, but cobots are on another level of safe and reliable standards. It is in the cobots technological nature to be able to work collaboratively alongside humans. Many features are wired into their being to ensure this.

After the ISO/TS156 was introduced in 2006, it became compulsory that any machines classed as collaborative met certain safety standards. This directive dictates that the cobots must comprise of at least one appropriate safety regulation, specifically:

  • Safety rated monitored stop

  • Power and force limiting

  • Speed and separation monitoring

  • Hand guiding

Of course, the case remains that with any kind of robotic automation, regular evaluations of the robot’s condition and safe practice should always be in place to ensure workplace safety.

Cobots are difficult to implement

You do not need to be a robotics expert to take full advantage of your cobot. With the demand for robotic technology growing every day, most cobot manufacturers are tailoring their solutions to a less technically-competent audience. Cobots don’t require a robotics engineer onsite, as with a small amount of training, anyone can learn how to programme a cobot. With a surprisingly quick and easy assembly process and user-friendly software, cobots can be up and running and optimising a facility’s processes in a matter of minutes!

Mobile Industrial robot cobot in logistics

Cobots are not worth the money

There is no denying that a cobot, or any robotics for that matter, come hand in hand with a sizeable price and, by the same token, a hefty choice to invest. Nevertheless, in the majority of cases, the implementation of cobots causes a huge upsurge in productivity within a company, leading to a decent ROI (Return On Investment). They have an average payback period as short as six to eight months and being highly versatile and flexible, any additional installation costs to reposition the cobot become obsolete.

To finish…

If you think your company could use a cobot, weigh up the pros and cons specific to you and if it all adds up positively, give it a go. With the endless possibilities that they can offer, it could just be worth your while. Then again, if the misconceptions we have talked about today still leave you in doubt about the idea of robots working collaboratively with humans, there’s no harm in a little research and patience – after all, you want to make the right investments for you.

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